Thursday, June 5, 2008

[Other] Obama. Yes.

Obama and Clinton are talking, and to tell you the truth, it's been long overdue.

Well, they have 'spoken' to each other lately, just in a different scope of things (I hope).

In the earlier days, I thought that Ms. Clinton was running a dirty campaign and generally bitching a tad too much, but I realize that in the end - it's helped Obama.

Imagine if all the wonderful BS Clinton pulled out on Obama arose a week before November? Hell for Dems, I'd say.

Let's face it, we know there's going to be a democratic president, and we know now that it's going to Obama.

What we don't know is what the hell he's going to do that will fix partisanship and the remove the murky cloud the 'special interest' groups put over Washington. The rest of the 'issues' would go the same way with either Clinton/Obama I think. Their policies aren't radically different or anything.

If Clinton decides to bitch some more, and NOT run with Obama - the Democrats are going to be divided, weaker, and less likely to get things done!

Proof? Look at Congress. With all of the major talk a while back about the Dems sweeping the houses, we still have plenty of Gridlock, the War is still going on, and our health class [b]still[/b] does not have 1/4 the textbooks it needs (well, not that I'd like to see that one change but still).

Meh. I hope things get fixed.